Helping individuals find spiritual, mental, emotional and physical wellbeing through an understanding of how spirit/soul consciousness operates through the body

Spirit Release - Glossary of Terms

Glossary of Terms

Glossary of Terms

Akashic records: This is a concept that every thought, action and deed is held on 'record' in a form of psychic or spiritual repository and that certain gifted psychics can access this material . Michael Newton describes this form of spirit world library in his book 'Journey of Souls'.

Aliens, ETs: These are beings from other planets or dimensions. In addition to direct physical contact there have been many accounts of psychic communication between human beings and alien type spirits, not all of which is pleasant and, in some cases, involves forms of psychic implant. This subject is fully covered in GE-VI - Close Encounters of the Possession Kind, by William Baldwin (1999)

Altered states of consciousness (see also Trance): Scientists assess that at best only 10% of our mind lies within normal waking consciousness. 90% lies beneath the surface in the sub-conscious mind, where issues and problems reside. Much of the way that we act stems from this level of our being that holds, different facets of the self. Altered states of conscious, that can be induced through drugs, hypnosis or meditation allow these different aspects of the self to come forward into the conscious level of thinking. Dream states, particularly lucid dreams could also be considered as an 'altered state of consciousness.'

Angel: A higher spiritual being of non-human origin, a messenger of the deity.

Archetypes: A concept that originated with Plato and was further developed by Jung. The primary principles or energies that are linked into the 'collective unconscious' and embody powerful forces within the psyche. They include amongst others, the 'Father' the 'Mother' and the 'Child'.

Astral projection and astral travelling: A form of out-of-body experience, where the etheric body detaches from the physical self and allows the conscious self to feel separated from the body. This can happen spontaneously such in the 'near death experience' (NDE) or be developed by psychics for exploring other dimensions of reality.

Attachment: Term used for an entity or earthbound spirit that is perceived as having 'attached' itself into the energy field of a person. The attachment may be external, where it is perceived by psychic within the auric field or internal where it has taken up residence within the body.

Attunement: The preparatory process, before using healing energies, of harmonising oneself, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually with the Source of healing energy and with the recipient of those energies. The process involves raising ones level of consciousness, maintaining intention and resonance.

Aura: The composite, subtle fields that surround all life forms. These energy fields lie outside the electro-magnetic spectrum and include emotional, mental and spiritual fields. The aura can be sensed or seen by psychic and reflect the state of being of the person, animal, tree, etc.

Bagua: Chinese octagonal figure illustrating the eight directions, their energies and other properties and representing the journey of life , the Tao, used in feng shui as a tool to create energetically comfortable living, working and leisure spaces. At its centre is usually the yin/yang symbol. Thus there are nine divisions to the Bagua associated with the numbers one to nine and with the magic 3 x 3 square, where the numbers in each line of three, horizontally, vertically or diagonally total 15.

Bi-location: The ability of consciousness to be in two places at the same time. Subtle forms of an individual may actually be seen in two different places at identical times.

Brain rhythms: During different states the brain produces specific levels of electrical wave activity that have been classed into four basic groupings. Beta waves are produced in normal day to day activities when the brain is active and alert. Alpha waves occur during more reflective moods, such as during meditational exercises or during light trance work. It is in this stage that the brain is open to suggestions and the sub-conscious elements can be accessed. Theta rhythms generally occur first at the threshold of sleep of sleep, and then periodically during sleep state when dreaming or REM activity is occurring. The last phase before finally waking also manifests Theta rhythms. The slowest of the rhythms, Delta, occurs in deep sleep and is not normally accessible to the conscious mind, although it is thought that advanced yogis or meditational practitioners can sometimes access this layer of the brain's activity.

The symbol of the the Caduceus
Caduceus: This was originally the staff of the god Greek god Hermes or the Roman Mercury. The staff normally two intertwining snakes on a rod that holds a pair of wings at the top. This is generally associated with the healing profession.

Clairaudience: The ability to hear psychic information, either audibly or as an inner voice or sound that conveys information not normally available to the physical senses.

Clairsentience: The ability to feel sensations within the body, conveying information not available to the physical senses. An example of this might be a healer feeling pain in part of their own body that corresponds with the area of the patient's problem, without the patient having first conveyed this information.

Clairvoyance: The ability to 'see' things from other dimensions not apparent to the physical senses. This can include mental images (with eyes either open or closed) conveying information that gives insights or knowledge about a particular situation that is not normally available to the physical senses. these images can be both literal as well as metaphoric.

Chakras: Vortices of energy between the subtle bodies and the physical body that connect the spiritual realm to the physical. There are seven main chakras in the Hindu tradition, located as follows: top of the head (Grown); between and slightly above the eyes (Brow); throat (Throat); chest (Heart); solar plexus (Solar Plexus); abdomen (Sacral); base of spine (Root).

Channelling: Entering an altered state of consciousness in order to attune to the 'Higher Self' or to a spirit guide or teacher for the purpose of bringing through teaching or information.

Ch'i (or Qi): Chinese word for the subtle energy of the cosmos that provides form and sustenance to the manifest world. This energy can be manipulated to an extent by conscious thought.

Collective unconscious: A Jungian term denoting an energy field that links all human consciousness together. Most individuals are unaware of this interlinking field.

Curses, Hexes or Spells: These are cast magical ritual linked to shadow, demonic or negative energies, depending upon the level and type of the curse. They can take the form of a powerful thought form or sometimes another spirit entity is involved. Ultimately under the Law or Rebound, all such psychic attacks will come back to the sender.

Dark Energy: Energy that is not from the Light and therefore can be considered harmful, evil or to be feared. It has been associated in past times with beings such as Lucifer or the Devil. See also negative energy.

Dark Force Entity (DFE's): These entities claim never to have had human origin, perhaps stemming from the distorted angelic spirits Most claim allegiance to a form of Lucifer entity (see dark energy) and exist in a hierarchy that is controlled through fear. They can be met in therapeutic work or in psychic healing. They feed off of negative human energy induced through pain and fear and one of their tasks is to induce discord . Mostly they are of low intelligence but can be devious. They can be removed with access to the 'Higher-Self' of the client combined with additional angelic help.

De-linking: The reverse of linking (see linking).

Demon: A Dark Force Entity (see above),

Deva: A 'Shining one', one of the good spirits of Hindu mythology.

Disease (Dis-ease): Disharmony or conflict at any level between, or within, the different levels (elements) that link the physical to spiritual body. This principle applies to all life forms, but in human beings it is broadly seen in terms of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of our make-up.

Dissociation: Psychological term referring to the disconnection or lack of integration between the normally integrated functions of memory, Identity and consciousness (American Psychiatric Association, 1994). Normal dissociation (e.g. day-dreaming) differs from traumatic dissociation in that it does not involve the inaccessibility of specific memories. Only with traumatic dissociation do we encounter loss of executive control, change in self-representation, amnesic barriers and loss of ownership over behaviour. Dissociation may happen in ordinary situations when under pressure.

Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID): This term replaced Multiple Personality Disorder in the DSM IV. DID is a complex post-traumatic condition that can develop when a highly dissociative child is traumatised, usually before the age of five. Another personality, or alter, is created to endure the experience and hold the memory, thereby sparing the original personality or host, the knowledge of what has occurred. Diagnosis is rare before adulthood. Attached entities are commonly present, but it is the personality dissociation that is primary.

Distant healing: The projection of healing energy (Ch'i) to someone or something not present. This is sometimes referred to as ‘absent healing’ or ‘remote healing’.

Dowsing: A method of obtaining information using either a pendulum, divining rod or other implement that magnifies the subtle kinaesthetic sensations in the physical body, when tuned into water or minerals in the earth, energy centres, ley lines or individuals, etc.

Dualism: The philosophical notion of two distinct principles existing in all things. Similar to the concept of Yin/Yang but generally carrying an idea that one concept is opposed to the other, like good and bad or light and dark. In human beings, it is thought that the mind or soul and the physical body are two separate entities which are often in conflict with each other but which need to work in harmony.

Earthbound (spirit): A spirit who, on physical death, has not entered the light of the spirit world but remains attached to the physical dimension and still experiences human feelings.

Ego (ego mind, ego consciousness): The aspect of self, aware of its individuality that has a consciousness, and reflects the different elements, of the physical world. It therefore tends to respond more easily to the needs and appetites of the physical and emotional self as opposed to the spiritual self.

Ego states: These are generally created in response to trauma and act as the psyche's way of holding painful situations. Each 'ego' state holds a fragment of soul consciousness within it and 'ego' states generally take the form of an inner character within the psyche, that is reminiscent of when the trauma happened. In this sense they are akin to sub-personalities. The trauma can be released when the 'ego' state is contacted and absorbed back into the conscious self or into the 'Higher Self'.

Elementals: These are non-human spirit beings that permeate the physical world operating through the primary elements of earth (gnomes), air (sylphs), fire (salmanders) and water (ondines). They can project images of themselves into human consciousness and have been perceived in different guises throughout the world, appearing as mythological beings in fairy tales.

Emotions: Strong feelings including joy, sadness, anger, hate, fear or love, for example.

Energy: A force that has an ability to produce an effect on whatever it is directed towards. This is not purely a physical concept but much wider, where it is sometimes referred to as Subtle Energy. The universe is one indivisible dynamic whole in which energy and matter are so entangled that it is impossible to view them as separate. Everything is energy, which is why we now have medical equipment which scans for what is known as spectral energy to identify disease. See Ch'i.

Entanglement: What Einstein called "Spooky action at a distance" In quantum physics the universe can be seen as an interconnected whole and some psychics are suggesting that psi is the human experience of quantum interconnectedness. See Entangled Minds by Dean Radin

Entity: The term includes any invasive energy, ranging from human and non-human to
thought-forms. Nested Entities are found when one entity is found inside another, is one cause of an attached entity being unable to find the Light.

Entrainment: Name given to the process, first observed by Dutch scientist Christian Huyens in 1665, where, when two energies meet a pulse is set up that will immediately bring them into alignment and synchronicity.

Exorcism: The practice of casting out of demons, often involving ritual. This is an ancient part of the belief system of many religions, notably the Roman Catholic Church. Although a form of spirit release, what happens to the released spirit is rarely, if at all, given any consideration.

Feng Shui: Literally 'wind' and 'water'. Relates to the Chinese notion of being able to balance the Ch'i (or energy) of a place by the correct orientation of buildings, rooms, furniture etc.

Four elements: Traditionally recognized, in many cultures, as four principles that weave through all aspects of the formative and manifest world. At a physical level these are air, fire, water and earth. Within human beings these relate to the four principles of thinking, intuition, feeling and sensation, or the four humours of sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic and melancholic.

Gaia/Geb: The spirit of the planet Earth, encapsulating both the feminine and masculine. Gaia is the name of the Greek goddess of the Earth and Geb the Ancient Egyptian name of the Earth God.

Geopathic stress: General term for any earth energy disturbance of a negative quality.

Ghosts: These are generally human spirits that are still earthbound although they can also be the psychic imprints of people who once lived or died in a particular place. Individuals can become aware of these spirits through their psychic senses.

Grounded, grounding: To be fully in body and consciously living in this physical reality. A person who is not properly grounded is more open to spirit attachment. Exercises such as visualising roots or anchors attached to the feet and spine help to achieve grounding.

Guide: All human beings have spiritual help from a guide or guides to help them through different phases of their life. The personal guides are sometimes called "Guardian Angels". Higher guides are generally more evolved spirits who work with individuals or mediums to give teaching and information, provide protection and facilitate the communication with less advanced spirits. See also Spirit Guide.

Healer: One who consciously projects healing energy or attempts to bring harmony and balance to another individual or situation.

Healing: The process of adjusting energy balances within the body in the search for wholeness and balance. This can either be experienced within the self or projected towards another, whether that person is present or not. (see also Distant Healing)

Higher Self: This is the aspect of the spiritual Self that is directly in touch with the spiritual realm as opposed to the Soul, which is the aspect of the spiritual Self that is directly linked to the mind and body. The Higher-Self can action changes within the psyche and has the power to eject any spirit intruder if perceived as necessary.

Hypnosis, hypnotism: A process of trance induction that bypasses some aspects of the conscious mind in order to gain access to the deeper layers within the Self.

I Ching: Literally the 'Book of Changes', which is an ancient Chinese text that is a source of Confucian and Taoist philosophy. It is based on the concept that eight primary principles are found in all aspects of life. The combination of these principles gives sixty-four hexagrams forming a divinatory oracle and giving insights into the spiritual forces in operation around the question asked by an individual, helping them make the correct decision.

Individuation process: A Jungian term, expressing the process of connecting the spiritual Self with the 'ego mind' so that they act in unison. In this way, the person becomes more aware of themselves as a unique and whole individual.

Inner knowing: An aspect of intuition where the individual, making a connection with their spiritual Self, inwardly knows something to be true without any rational or logical explanation for it.

Inner Self Helper (ISH), Inner Wise Being: This term, original coined by Dr Ralph Allison in 1974, indicates a part of the psyche that both knows what needs to be done and can action changes within the Self. It is synonymous with the Higher Self.

Jing: Chinese term for ancestral energy expressed both through sexual release and genetic coding.

Kabala: A mystical system of knowledge that stemmed from Judaic belief. It was originally handed down from teacher to pupil through secret oral instruction.

Karma: The Hindu and Buddhist belief based on the law of cause and effect. Over the span of a number of lives, the results or deeds of one life set the pattern for what happens in the next.

Kwan-Yin: The Chinese goddess of mercy.

Law of Polarities: see Yin/Yang.

Ley lines: Lines of subtle energy that criss-cross the earth's surface, often detected by dowsing.

Life force, Life essence: The energy from the Soul or spiritual essence that gives life to an individual, creature or plant. Death occurs when this energy field de-links from the body.

(The) Light: General term for the ultimate source of unconditional love and of all existence. Spirit emanates from the Light and returns there after making the transition on death. White light and other coloured light are thought of as healing vibrations from this ultimate source. Portals may be "seen" as a column of light.

Linking: The conscious attempt to create an inner connection through the mind, with another person or life form (such as a tree or animal) or to an energy field. For example, in healing, a mental connection will be made with the client as well as the source of the healing energy.

Lotus posture: A cross-legged posture used in Hatha Yoga where the instep of the foot rests on the opposite thigh.

Mandorla: see Vesica Pisces

Mantra: A word or phrase that is repeated either audibly or inwardly as part of a meditation discipline.

Meditation: A generic word covering a wide range of mental methods of connecting to the inner source of our being.

Mediumship: The art of communicating with the spirit world to provide evidence of life beyond death, to give teaching and guidance, or to channel or heal.

Metaphor: An idea or visual image used in place of another to suggest a likeness between them.

Mind: An aspect of the self that is the seat of conscious and subconscious awareness. It links the spiritual self and the emotions.

Mind fragment: A mind fragment of another living person may attach and behave much like a spirit attachment. On questioning, it turns out to be a fragment which has split away from the mind of the other person. Mind fragments usually come from relatives, most often the mother. They may also play a part in black magic (see Curses).

Morphic Resonance: A concept postulated by biologist Rupert Sheldrake which holds that memories or habits of nature are communicated within species and across generations. This information is held within a 'morphogenic field' that surrounds and links all living things together.

Mudras: A system of inner development based on holding the hands in set positions. These poses create a resonant energy that links different aspects of the self.

Multiple personality disorder: see Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID).

Mysticism: Often defined as an experience of direct communion with God, or union with the Absolute, it involves the practice of contemplation both in the philosophical sense of the contemplation of truth and in the supernatural sense of having knowledge of God via a life of prayer.

Near Death Experience (NDE): An experience reported by those people who have been on the threshold between life and death. This can sometimes happen spontaneously. Part of the consciousness appears to detach itself from the body and is aware of what is taking place from a perspective separate from the body. Sometimes these individuals will then feel they are travelling through a tunnel of light into another dimension and often report meeting others who they know have already died. (See out-of-body experience.)

Negative energies: Psychic energies that is not conducive to the wellbeing of a person. This can stem from different sources, be of natural origin or human generated and on occasions deliberately directed towards a person with harmful intent. It should be appreciated that the source of the energy need not be bad in itself but an individual might experience this in a disturbing way. An example of this on a physical level is sunlight, which in the right dose can be beneficial but with over exposure cause sunburn. See also dark energy.

NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming): The art and science of auditory, visual and sensory communication founded by John Grinder and Richard Bandler. It is based on a study of three famous therapists, Milton H. Erickson, Fritz Pens and Virginia Satir. NLP tries to reframe the way that we think about our reality to bring about change.

Noble Middle Path: A tenet of Buddhism: seeking a balance between extremes.

Out-of-body experience (OBE): An experience when an individual's perception of the world seems to originate from outside their physical frame, such perceptions usually engendering the idea that the subjects consciousness or soul has become detached from the body. Sometimes this may brought on by trauma, as in a near death experience. Sometimes it is done intentionally as in astral travelling. OBEs often occur spontaneously during states of sleep or in crisis or trauma situations.

Overshadowing: An altered state of consciousness in which a medium is partly taken over by a spirit. This can be positive, as in channelling, or negative when the mind is invaded by an earthbound spirit.

Past-Life Therapy: A system of healing that seeks to bring relief to behavioural patterns, stemming from a past life experience.

Personality types: A method of categorizing human emotional and behavioural characteristics under a number of headings. At its simplest level it classes individuals as either introverted or extroverted.

Poltergeist: From the German for 'noisy spirit'. A spirit that produces physical phenomena such as throwing objects or moving furniture. Some apparent poltergeists are manifestations of psychic energy from the living. They may be attracting attention in order

Portal: An opening, often "seen" as a white light, between the spiritual and physical domains, through which entities may enter. Portals may require closure for psychic protection.

Possession: A state in which a person is taken over involuntarily, wholly or partly, by an earthbound or negative spirit.

Power Animals: These are spirit guides in the form of animals. They are particularly important in shamanic traditions, providing guidance and protection through understanding the nature and characteristics of the spirit of the animal species. It is thought that we all have at least one main power animal helping us in our lives. It is not uncommon to have a mythical creature, such as Pegasus or a unicorn, or an extinct species as a power animal.

Prayer: A verbal request (either outward or inward) for help or intercession from a higher being or deity.

Precognition: Information gathered through intuition, about an event in the future which then takes place. Dreams sometimes have a pre-cognitive element.

Psyche: From the Greek meaning 'breath' and refers to the human soul ; or inner motivating life force.

Psychic or psi faculty: Innate human skill which allows us to communicate and experience different levels of perception outside time and space. Psi is used as a neutral term in research for all ESP type and psychokinesis phenomena.

Psychic diagnosis: A way of using the psychic faculty to gain insights and information not apparent to the five physical senses.

Psychokinesis: The ability of the mind to influence physical objects, causing them to move or change in ways outside the known laws of physics.

Qi: See Ch'i

Regression: An induced state (either by oneself or another person) accessing beyond the conscious mind. Backwards in time as we understand it, either in this life or a past life.

Reincarnation: The belief that each soul lives a number of separate and distinct lives.

Rescue Circle: A group consisting partly or wholly of mediums where their guides make contact with earthbound spirits so that they can be released.

Rescue work: An alternative term often used by mediums for spirit release.

Resistance: Anything that causes a barrier to the flow of energy. May be defensive in nature and so protective of the person.

Resonance: A concept that explains how energy is transferred between things or people on both a physical and non-physical level. It is based on the notion that, when two objects are pitched musically at the same frequency, or vibrate sympathetically, harmonious energy is exchanged between them. A physical example of this is the radio receiver whose dial has to be adjusted to pick up different stations.

Runes: An ancient Norse and Teutonic magical alphabet, runes carved on wood or pebbles (rune stones) often being used for divination and casting spells.

Sephiroth: The archetypal forms, sometimes seen as attributes of God, which form the basis of the Kabala.

Sexual centre: There are two schools of thought on this. One considers it to be the sacral chakra and the other, the base chakra. (see chakras).

Shaman: A word that has recently taken on a wide meaning. Originally referring to the 'magician spirit healers' of Finland and Central Asia, it is now applied to all individuals who espouse similar beliefs. One of the main magical symbols of the shaman is the drum, which is used to summon up spiritual energy or spirit beings.

The Shadow: This has a number of varying meanings. In Jungian terms this was the unresolved, unintegrated or unacknowledged aspects of the psyche. In this sense then 'The Shadow', would hold all of one's potential rather than being anything negative. The term has also come to mean all of those negative aspects of the Self and additionally those beings that reject the Light.

Shen: The 'spirit' in Taoist and ancient Chinese belief.

Soul: The aspect of the spirit that directly links into the mind and body. It provides the 'life force' or 'life essence' of the body. (See Life force.)

Soul fragments: These are split off aspect of the Soul consciousness. All sub-personalities or 'ego' states have a small fragment of the Soul within them. In some cases these aspects can be split off from the psyche and are sometimes also held within past-life traumas.

Soul retrieval: The process of healing trauma through reintegration into the Soul of displaced, disowned or lost soul fragments.

Spirit: The eternal divine part of the Self that contains the sum total of all individual experiences, whether from this life or previous ones.

Spirit Attachment: See attachment.

Spirit Guide: Discarnate beings, sent from the Light to help incarnate humans. It seems that we all have spirit guides, just as we all have a guardian angel. Guides do not leach energy, as do negative or earthbound entities. They do not usually choose to show themselves openly, although there are many accounts of them doing so, especially in the case of mediums or others who receive help through voice or other communications. See also Guide.

Spirit Release: The process of freeing an attachment, either within the body or in a place and helping it move to the Light. In a few case, when dealing with negative spirits, they may need to be sent back, with the aid of angelic guidance, to their place of origin.

Spiritual emergency: A crisis, often dramatic, in the evolution of consciousness of an individual; the passage through this crisis being difficult and frightening, yet containing tremendous evolutionary and healing potential often resulting in a spiritual awakening and changed perceptions of the meaning of life.

Spiritual Self: Another way of describing the 'spirit' (see above).

Subtle Bodies: The energy fields or bodies that surround and extend beyond the purely physical body and comprise the aura. (see above) Each body vibrates at a different frequency. The number of bodies generally recognised varies according to source. Moving out from the purely physical body, these subtle bodies are often denoted as the physical, etheric, astral/emotional, mental, soul, spiritual and universal/divine bodies, having correspondences to the chakras.

Tao (or Dao): Meaning 'The Way, it is derived from Ancient Chinese and Taoist beliefs to mean the 'way of right action'. This would be interpreted through the I Ching and was dependent upon prevailing situations of the time. In all cases the individual would try to ally themselves with the highest human and moral principles.

Tarot: A divinatory system based on seventy-eight cards that are divided into a Major Arcana of twenty-two cards and a Minor Arcana of fifty-six cards.

Telepathy: The ability of the mind to communicate directly with another mind across space and time.

Theosophical Society: A metaphysical philosophical society founded by Madame Blavatsky in 1875. It espoused many eastern concepts such as reincarnation, but is perhaps best known for its doctrine of the Masters, who are claimed to be high initiates looking after the development of the world.

Third Eye Centre: The brow or Ajna chakric centre (see chakras).

Thought Forms: These may be generated from outside or from inside a person. Either type may be helpful or harmful, but it is those which others project with harmful intent which are of most interest to spirit release practitioners. Sometimes controlling energies of mother/father can be a problem. Thought forms may take the form of emotions such as anger, fear, sadness or guilt. When created by the client, they can be eliminated when the client takes responsibility and chooses to cease creating the form. This may sometimes require past life therapy and a return to the incident when the thought form was created. Intentionally created thought forms of a negative nature need to be dealt with similarly to earthbound souls, but they instead of responding to the idea of love, they respond better to the idea of happiness and peace.

Transcendental Meditation (TM): A system of meditation introduced into the West by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in the 1960s based on the repetition of a mantra (see mantra).

Vesica Pisces: An important geometrical symbol of two interlocking circles of equal size, where the centre of one circle falls on the circumference of the other. This symbol was a cornerstone of sacred geometry and used extensively in Gothic architecture. It is also referred to as a 'mandorla' (as distinct from a 'mandala') which is the Italian for 'almond', the shape created between the two circles.

Xenoglossy: The speaking of languages that have not been learned. It may indicate knowledge from past lives or from an attached spirit. See Ian Stevenson (1984) Unlearned Language.

Yin/Yang: Ancient Chinese concept where everything in the manifest world is based upon the interplay of two forces that are at once opposite and complementary. Yang is the outgoing principle whereas Yin is receptive. Concepts of Yin and Yang also embody the Law of Polarities that holds the universe in balance.

Yoga: The word is derived from the Sanskrit and means 'union'. Generally this is taken to mean 'union with the spiritual Self'. There are many different schools of Yoga of which the best known, in the West, is Hatha Yoga which works with different body postures to attain higher states of consciousness.

Yogi: The term for an Indian holy man who follows one of the traditional systems of yoga.

Background Articles
The following articles are the process of development and will be added to and updated on a regular basis.

The Soul Journey

Soul/Body Link

Health Issues

Death & Transition

Copper Beech Tree
Stone head
Sunset - Egypt
The articles here explore the recent developments in understanding the journey of the soul through various incarnations as well as information about its sojourn in between lives in the spirit realms.
The Soul's Journey
In order to experience the Soul needs to be energetically linked into the body. The articles here look at various models that explains how this might occur, providing a further insight into the Soul/mind/body link.
The Soul/Body Link
Soul Fragments and Retrieval
Imbalances between the Soul and the mind/body can lead to a large range of health issues including mental and psychological problems. Mental imbalances include 'Dissociative Disorders' and 'Trance States'.
Causes for Attachments
Electromagnetic Pollution
One of the most challenging experiences that we will all have to face is the death of the physical body. The Near Death Experience or NDE tells us what should happen and provides insights into why spirits get trapped.
Death and Transition
Near Death Exp.(NDE)

Trapped Souls

Psychic Issues

Spirit Attachments

Spirit Release

Graveyard - Scotland
There appear to be many reasons why Souls fail to make a full transition and become trapped or 'earthbound' and still able to influence the physical planes. We explore here some of the issues involved.
Earthbound Souls
Sensitive people can be aware of a whole range of 'subtle' energies that can cause them considerable distress. The articles here explore these various states and the way that negative energies can be deliberately created.
Geopathic Stress
Individuals suffering invasions or spirit attachments claim a wide variety of different types of attaching entities, in addition to normal human Souls. We look here at some of the claims that have been made.
Spirit Attachments
Shadow Entities
We explore the processes that can be adopted to help release trapped or 'earthbound' spirits. The articles here also considers the differences between spirits that attach to people and those that are stuck in places.
Spirit Release
 - Background

 - Places Part1
 - Places Part2
 - People Background
 - People
 - Demonic Release Pt1
 - Demonic Release Pt2


A 1 hour talk by David Furlong on "Attachments, Possessions and Soul fragments: New Paradigms in Spirit Release" taken from the Spirit Release Foundation conference 2006. This talk is located on Google videos. Please click the icon above to access.

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